Sabtu, 03 November 2012



  Well, kita semua punya kuku kan ? . Kuku itu juga salah satu aset yang bagus buat dunia fashion loh :) Kasihan banget kan kuku kita, kalau dia berubah jadi yang enggak baik. So, check it out

1. Potong kuku
  Semua orang juga udah pasti tau. Cara paling dasar buat merawat kuku ya, potong kuku :) . Eitts, tapi gak sembarangan loh ya. Kuku enggak boleh terlalu panjang juga terlalu pendek. Kalau terlalu panjang, tau lah kenapa akibatnya ?. Nah, kalo yang pendek ? ini dia, bisa bikin infeksi. Tapi ini masih denger-denger aja sih.Jadi, kalo potong kuku mendingan medium aja ya

2. Kultikula kuku
  Kultikula kuku juga perlu di rawat dong :) biar dia juga cantik. Caranya ? simple, kalau mau betulin kultikula kuku, kamu siapin air hangat. Nah, rendam kuku kamu sejenak, lalu keringkan dengan handuk. Tekan kultikula kuku dengan lembut, alatnya ada sendiri. Biasanya buat manicure

3. Manicure
  Ini juga, namanya aja perawatan kuku. Jelas banget perginya ya ke sini ini deh.  Dijamin, kuku kamu bakal berseri, karena udah di rawat sama ahlinya B)

Pastel Colour

  Ok, memang warna pastel ini gak ada matinya. Warnanya yang soft bikin semua orang suka melihat warna yang satu ini. Apalagi kita-kita yang remaja B) udah pasti pantes pake warna yang soft. Berikut ini tips yang bisa kamu terapin saat milih warna pastel.

1. Pilih warna yang sesuai
  Yang ini jadi dasarnya waktu milih warna pastel. Kamu bisa match dengan warna kulit kamu or aksesoris yang bakal kamu pakai. Pilihlah yang sesuai dengan kesukaanmu. Kalau kamu masih ragu, lebih baik minta pendapat orang lain. Karena mereka rata-rata mempunyai pandangan untuk fashion-mu

2. Head to toe
  Ini yang harus jadi detail-nya. Sekecil apapun, benda yang kurang match sama warna pastel juga kelihatan. Jadi perhatikan lagi. Warna pastel sebenernya gampang kok buat di aplikasikan :) Yang penting warna itu oke dan terlihat menyatu, jangan too much

3. Hair
  Sebenernya untuk gaya rambut itu bebas, semuanya cocok. Cuma ada yang berpikiran, kalau warna pastel itu bagus dengan gaya rambut yang simple dan natural. Misal : Casual ponytail atau side winder, lebih simple lagi dengan rambut terurai dan beri sedikit aksesoris untuk kesan yang lebih feminine

4. Make up
  Bagi yang gak suka dengan make up, juga gak masalah :) kalian juga terlihat tetep good dengan warna pastel. But, buat yang suka sama make up, coba kalian gunakan make up yang minimalis. Wow ! kalian akan nampak perfect ;)

  So, kalian udah siap dengan pastel colour kalian ? perlu di ingat ya, kalian gak harus terkesan feminine kok dengan warna ini, di berbagai acara, kalianpun bisa gunakan warna ini. Casual time juga oke :)

Itu tadi tips dari aku, semoga berhasil ! :D 
Try and do :)

Jumat, 29 Juni 2012

About Fashion #3

  Kali ini aku mau bahas tentang Fashion yang lagi ngetren tahun 2012. So, cekidot ;)

1. Warna oranye adalah warna tahun ini. Katanya, warna ini di nobatkan oleh Pantone Inc sebagai warna 'resmi' 2012. Arti warna oranye buat tahun ini sih kobaran semangat menuju arah yang lebih baik.

2. Model rambut jambul, juga akan ikut memeriahkan tahun ini. Buat cowok ada juga slick back undercut yang nge-toopp. Belah pinggir berjepit, kuncir simpul dalam, dan poni ultra pendek pun ikutan loh ;D

3. Model pakaiannya sih beragam. Tapi denger-denger yang booming itu kerah peterpan dan gaun celemek. Motif yang nge-top buat tahuin ini adalah berani. Sering banget kan kita lihat beberapa public figure tabrak warna ?

4. Lipstik koral juga ikutan :D yeeaayyy , terus kita juga sering nemuin headscraf kan ? itu juga ngetren loh :D. Daaann jangan lupa warna pastel ! itu warna kayak gak pernah redup ya ?. Warna neon juga keren buat tahun ini :D

  Yeaaayy, udah tahu pilihan buat tahun 2012 ini kan ? semua info di atas aku baca di majalah juga loh :D So, pilih outfit yang buuaagguss deh buat tahun 2012 ini

Selasa, 26 Juni 2012

Problem #1

  Nah, kali ini aku mau bahas tentang jerawat ;D . Adakah di sini yang berjerawat ?? ini nih solusinya. Kamu tahu kan, jerawat itu bisa meradang ? asal jerawat dari minyak yang berlebih di kulit kita. Sering malas cuci muka juga bisa jadi penyebab jerawat. Duh, gak mau banget kan kulit kita yang sehat ada jerawatnya. Ini nih, tips dari aku.

1. Pilihlah cleanser yang Oil Free . Itu cocok bangetlah buat kita-kita

2. Sering cuci muka . Nah, ini jangan di lupain

3. Asupan makan . Jangan banyak makan yang berlemak yah, ini bikin jerawat betah stay di kulit kita. Ganti makanmu dengan perbanyak sayuran dan buah-buahan

4. Jangan memencet jerawat . Hayoo, jangan pernah memencet jerawat ya ! ini bikin bekas jerawat jadi hitam.

5. Jangan sering menyentuh muka . Yo, jangan sering menyentuh muka dengan tangan. Tangan itu tempat berkembangnya kuman.

6. Perbanyak minum air putih . Kamu tahu kan anjuran untuk minum 8 gelas / hari ? ternyata itu oke banget sama tubuh kita, termasuk kulit.

7. Hindarkan rambut dari wajah. Nah kalau rambut terus-terusan mengenai wajah, ini bisa bikin jerawat muncul lagi. Kan rambut ada minyaknya, so kalau keseringan nanti jerawat bakal jadi soulmate kita dong ?

8. Wudhu . Bagi seorang muslim, wudhu selalu di lakukan sebelum sholat. Nah, cara ini merupakan cara alami yang bisa kita gunakan. Selain itu, wudhu juga membantu kita meregenerasi kulit kita.

Sekian tips dari aku. Semoga bermanfaat, bye Jerawat halloo wajah bersih

About Fashion #2

  Gak PD punya badan yang gak ramping ? pengen kurus ?. Nah, baju sehari-hari yang kamu kenakan juga bisa membantu penampilan kamu loh :D. Nyoo liat tipsnya

1. Motif
       Kamu bisa pilih motif vertical (berdiri) , itu membuat kamu terlihat ramping loh.  Kalau kamu pakai yang horizontal ? terlihat semakin besar. Mau coba polkadot ? bisa kok, pilih motif polkadot yang bulatannya kecil. Motif lain ? bisa, pilih motif yang kecil-kecil ya :)

2. Warna
       Nah, ini juga memiliki efek yang banyak buat kamu. Warna hitam yang paling oke ! warna ini bisa menyamarkan bentuk tubuh kamu. Eiitts bukan berarti semua bajumu hitam loh, boleh kok pakai warna yang lain

3. Bahan
        Bahan ringanlah yang tepat kamu. Ini memberikan efek yang bagus juga loh, badan kamu terlihat lebih ramping. Jangan memilih bahan yang terlalu berat ya, nanti kesan yang ada malah Bervolume.

4. Model baju
        Nah ini terserah kamu juga sih. Selera kamu itu mungkin fashionable, active, etc. Tergantung yang penting itu bisa menutupi lemak yang berlebih. So, kamu terlihat sangat cantikk

Itu tipsnya :D udah tahu pilihan kamu ? buruan cari baju kamu !

About Fashion #1

  Hellloo adakah yang berbadan kurus kayak aku ?? Kalo banyak orang yang pengen kurus, beda bagi yang pengen gemuk *baca-aku*. Otomatis baju yang di gunain orang yang berbadan kurus beda dengan orang yang tidak kurus. Berikut ini tips fashion untuk orang kurus, CEKIDOT ( Check It Out)

  1. Motif
     Jangan sekali-kali memilih motif vertical ( Berdiri). Ini membuat kamu terlihat semakin kurus. Pilih motif yang horizontal. Kalau anda ingin memakai motif polkadot, gunakan motif yang memiliki bulatan besar. Itu memberi kesan berisi pada tubuh

2. Warna
    Jangan pernah menggunakan warna hitam, warna itu menyamarkan bentuk tubuh kamu. Warna ini cocok untuk orang yang bertubuh gemuk. Kalau memang harus memakai warna hitam, gunakan outfit yang benar-benar match dengan warna hitam. Pilihlah warna terang dan bisa juga pastel. Warna pastel memang sangat pas karena warnanya soft.

3. Bahan
    Carilah bahan yang berat, seperti rajutan. Jangan gunakan bahan yang terlalu berat, itu membuat kamu semakin terlihat kurus. Juga tidak boleh  memilih bahan yang terlalu ringan, itu membuat kamu terlihat tidak berisi

4. Model baju
    Kamu bebas mix match dengan baju sesuai selera kamu. Tapi jangan sekali-kali memakai baju berbentuk kerah V. Itu membuatmu terlihat sangat kurus, mungkin kurang enak di pandang mata.

So, udah tahu kan outfit apa yang bakal kamu pilih ? Nyo, kita menjelajah toko pakaian dan cari sesuai keinginan kamu ;)

Jumat, 15 Juni 2012

Kece ? gampang kok =D

  Kece ? semua orang dong pengen kayak gitu. Kece itu sebenernya saudaraan sama yang namanya "KEREN" . Mereka cuma beda bapak & ibu doang kok =D , tapi tetep dong ada hubungan saudara.
  Biasanya orang yang di sebut kece itu punya gadget yang bermerk, mobil sebanyak garem, ngikutin style para seleb luar negri, delel. Gadget punya, tapi gak bermerk ?? ahh itu gampang banget nih, liat tipsnya

Cara Kece Murah Meriah

A. Bikin SLR
1. Ambil karton / kardus bekas. Cat sesuai selera
2. Nyari pola gambar kamera yang kamu mau di mbah kita, google
3. Gambar sesuai pola, terus potong-potong deh
4. Cat sesuai keinginan kamu
5. Jadi deh =D

B. Bikin tablet
1. Ambil kertas mika, kardus yang bagus & tebel, gambar wallpaper kesukaan kamu
2. Bikin pola & gunting-gunting
3. Tempelin wallpaper kamu di kerdus
4. Tempelin juga kertas mika ( Biar keliatan nyata )
5. Gambar deh tombol yang perlu di buat

C. Aksesoris
  Yang ini mah simple aja. Bisa beli di pasar. Kagak perlu beli ke luar negri yang butuhin dana segede kapal. Gak mau ngeluarin duit ? pinjem aja deh sama kakak, adik, mama, papa, nenek, kakek, or tetangga. Ya kan ?? simple bangeettt.

#NB : Cara ini udah di cobak dan hasilnya 100 % berhasil =D

#Tambahan : Berhasil di kira orang _ _ _ _ *crazy*

Selasa, 01 Mei 2012

Like It

  Hi Greysonators and Enchancers. Like this Fan Page . There is information about Greyson. Want to ask? go ahead. We are not limiting. Photo? we will give. Games? please ask and we will obey.
  Hi Greysonator & Enchancers. Jangan lupa untuk like Fan Page ini ya . Semua tentang Greyson. Mau nanya ? silahkan kami akan menjawab. Foto ? kami akan berikan. Games ?? katakan saja dan kita akan bermain bersama.
Ayo buat FP ini jadi Offcial Enchancers untuk Indonesia (:
Always support Greyson (:

Sabtu, 17 Maret 2012

Cara membuat brownies kukus.

Bahan untuk Brownies Kukus

• Telur 6 butir
• Gula 225 gram
• Pasta Coklat
• Garam secukupnya
• Emulsifier 1 sdt teh
• Terigu 125 gram, ayak, aduk rata dg coklat bubuk
• Coklat bubuk 50 gram, ayak, aduk rata dg terigu
• Susu Kental Manis (SKM) 75 ml
• Minyak goreng 175 ml
• Dark Cooking Cokelat 100 gram, lelehkan, campur dg minyak

Cara membuat

1. Kocok telur gula, emulsifier, garam dan pasta coklat hingga mengembang dan kaku.
2. Masukkan campuran tepung terigu dan cokelat bubuk. Aduk perlahan hingga rata.
3. Masukkan campuran minyak dan coklat yang sudah dicairkan, aduk hingga rata.
4. Sisihkan sepertiga bagian adonan, beri susu kental manis, aduk rata.
Bagi 2 adonan tanpa susu kental manis, bagian I kukus selama 10 menit, tambahkan
adonan dg SKM selama 10 menit, terakhir masukkan adonan sisa tanpa
SKM, lanjutkan mengukus selama kira kira 20 menit. Angkat.

Tips Untuk pembuatan :

• Adonan telur, gula dan emulsifier harus dikocok sampai benar benar kaku
• Kukusan harus benar benar panas saat adonan dimasukkan ke dalam kukusan.
• Jangan lupa membungkus tutup kukusan dengan serbet bersih supaya air kukusan tidak turun dan membasahi kue yang sedang dikukus
• Pengukusan menggunakan api sedang, api yang terlalu besar menyebabkan permukaan brownies kukus menjadi bergelombang dan berlubang lubang

STARS - Greyson Chance Lyrics

Started to cry as the doctor told me,
She was going to leave us tonight
So I stifled my tears and I went into her room
And to my surprise, she has a twinkle in her eye.

She said, "I know that I'm leaving you behind.
"But don't worry, I'll be fine.
"I will be behind the blue sky.
"Among those beautiful stars."

Cuz' in the sky, you're so high.
There are beautiful stars which shine the night.
She'll be dancing in the clouds and she'll be singing in the rain.
Among those beautiful stars.

Cuz' in the sky, you're so high.
There are beautiful stars which shine the light.
She'll be dancing in the clouds and she'll be singing in the rain.
Among those beautiful stars.

I held her hand as she went.
She drew her last breath.
And the tears started flowing out again
And I went to the window and I opened it.
And there she was; she was shining the sky.
Among those beautiful stars.

Cuz' in the sky, you're so high.
There are beautiful stars which shine the night.
She'll be dancing in the clouds and she'll be singing in the rain.
Among those beautiful stars.

Way up in the sky.
There are beautiful stars that shine the light.
She'll be dancing in the clouds and she'll be singing in the rain.
Among those beautiful stars.

Five years have passed.
The cancer was spreading, I wouldn't last.
So I took my last breath.

I was in the sky, oh so high.
With those beautiful stars that shine the light.
I was dancing in the clouds and I was singing in the rain,
And I saw a beautiful face.

And we were in the sky, oh so high.
With those beautiful stars that shine the light.
We were dancing in the clouds; we were singing in the rain.
Among those beautiful stars

We were dancing the clouds and we were singing in the rain.
Among those beautiful stars.

BROKEN HEART - Greyson Chance Lyrics

I remember the first time saw you
With your pretty brown eyes that sparkled
In the light
And your long brown hair
And the way you could dance so well

And you took the air I'm breathing
And stole my heart
I don't know what happened
But we fell apart
You left me with the Broken Heart
Oh, oh, oh, oh, Broken Heart

Broken hearts they never fade away
and Broken hearts are here to stay

I know what we've been waiting for
But that doesn't give you the excuse tooo
Then all the reason you can
Especially, my best friend

Cause you took the air I'm breathing
You stole my heart
I don't know what happened
But we fell apart
You left me with the Broken Heart
Oh, oh, oh, oh, Broken Heart

Broken hearts they never fade away
and Broken hearts are here to stay

Cause you took the air I'm breathing
You stole my heart
I don't know what happened
But we fell apart
You left me with the Broken Heart
Oh, oh, oh, Broken Heart

You took the air I'm breathing
You stole my heart
I don't know what happened
But we fell apart
You left me with the Broken Heart
Oh, oh. oh, Broken Heart

Broken hearts they never fade away

Cause you took the air I'm breathing
You stole my heart
I don't know what happened
But we fell apart
You left me with the Broken Heart
Oh, oh, oh, oh, Broken Heart

RUNNING AWAY - Greyson Chance Lyrics

Running away through the nights so black
The stars on my shoulder
Pulling me back
Whispers of you
Ringing through my ears
Trying to forget all the wasted tears
And all your lies in your blue eyes
Another day goes by

And all I can say is
Wish i could forget you
But you keep coming back
You're running away through the nights so black
The stars on your shoulder
Pulling you back
Maybe you can forget
But I just can't

One day I'm here and one day I'm there
Some days I wake up and I just don't know where
I see the lights on the city streets
I'm wide awake while the world still sleeps
In all my dreams the picture freezes

And every night it's always the same
Wish I could forget you ohhh
But you keep coming back
You're running away through the nights so black
The stars on your shoulder pulling you back
Maybe you can forget but I just can't
No I just can't no I just can't
I just can't

Running away through the nights so black
The stars on my shoulder pulling me back
Whispers of you ringing through my ears
Trying to forget all the wasted tears
Wish I could forget you
But you keep coming back
You keep coming back, you keep coming back
Wish I could forget you
I just can't

FIRE - Greyson Chance Lyrics

No it don't, come easy.
No it don't come fast.

Lock me up inside your garden.
Take me to the riverside.
Fire, burning me up,
Desire, taking me so much higher
And leaving me whole

There you were, in your black dress
moving slow, to the sadness.
I could watch you dance for hours.
I could take you by my side.
Fire, burning me up,
Desire, taking me so much higher
And leaving me

Ooooh the fire, is burning me upp.
oooh the fire.

No it don't, come easy.
No it don't come fast.

Lock me up inside your garden.
Take me to the riverside.
Fire, burning me up,
Desire, taking me so much higher
And leaving me whoooooollllllleeeeeee.

Leaving meeeeee whole. 

CHEYENNE - Greyson Chance Lyrics.

It’s a little cold outside tonight
But I was too close, not to say hi
You know I talked a friend of yours at school
She gave the impression that you might be cool
With a guy like me, with a girl like you
Oh, could you’ve seen
With a guy like me, with a girl like you
Imma fool for fool for
Falling for you girl
Please don’t break my heart cheyenne
Imma fool for fool for
Making you my whole world
Please don’t break my heart cheyenne
Please don’t break my cheyenne,
Please don’t break it, please don’t break it
Cuz all along it’s been you on my mind
Something special about you is hard to find
I know every girl’s searching for romance
And I’m wondering if you’ll take a chance
On a guy like me, with a girl like you
Oh, could you’ve seen
A guy like me, with a girl like you
Like you, like you, oh!

Imma fool for fool for
falling for you girl
Please don’t break my heart cheyenne
Imma fool for fool for
Making you my whole world
Please don’t break my heart cheyenne
Please don’t break my cheyenne,
Please don’t break it, please don’t break it

I’m a fool for you, Cheyenne
I’m a fool for you, Cheyenne
I’m a fool for you, Cheyenne
I admit, I just say that
I can’t live without you!

LITTLE LONDON GIRL - Greyson Chance Lyrics

I shut the door 
And I step outside 
It's close to midnight 
And the fog is in 
And the street lights 

With the sound of Big Ben 
It reminded me 
It was only yesterday 
When we first met in that cafe 
And our worlds entwined. 

Ooooh don't you know? 
I'm gonna shout it from the rooftops now, baby 
I'm ready to go. 
Ooooh don't you know? 
It doesn't matter if the sun is going down on me 
You light my world 
My little London girl. 

Sunglasses on 
You take me to Camden Town 
As you share your headphones 
With the Kinks and the Rolling Stones.
As you walk around 
In your leather boots 
All the boys are staring 
But you're not caring 
'Cuz you're so rock and roll (so rock and roll) 

Ooooh don't you know? 
I'm gonna shout it from the rooftops now, baby 
I'm ready to go. 
Ooooh don't you know? 
It doesn't matter if the sun is going down on me 
You light my world 
My little London girl. 

(Yeah) You light my world (x5) 
... worlddd 
Ooooh don't you know? 
We're gonna shout it from the rooftops now, baby 
Are you ready to go? 
Ooooh don't you know? 
You light my world 
My little London... 
Girlll don't you know? 
I'm gonna shout it from the rooftops now, baby 
I'm ready to go. 
Ooooh don't you know? 
It doesn't matter if the sun is going down on me 
You light my world 
My little London girl.

SLIPPING AWAY - Greyson Chance Lyrics

'Cause it only breaks my heart, to see you goin through this to see you goin through this and there's nothing that I can do and it only breaks my heart, you don't have to do this I've got nothing to hold on to

'Cause you keep slipping away, a little bit more everyday now feels like I'm running in place you keep slipping away away just when I get you alone it feels like I'm on my own like the tears running down on your face you keep slipping away away, you keep slipping away 

And it only makes me sad I think we almost made it, girl we almost made it you know as well as I and I take you in my arms, pull you close to me but every time I try you keep slipping away a little bit more every day now feels like I'm running in place you keep slipping away away just when I get you alone it feels like I'm on my own like the tears running down on your face you keep slipping away away you keep slipping away 

Should I give up? should I let go? my mind says yes but my heart says no, my heart says no, my heart says no 

'Cause you keep slipping away, a little bit more every day now feels like I'm running in place you keep slipping away away cause you keep slipping away (oooh you you) 

'Cause you keep slipping away, a little bit more every day now feels like I'm running in place you keep slipping away away just when I get you alone, feels like I'm on my own like the tears running down on your face you keep slipping away away you keep slipping away (you keep slipping away)

PURPLE SKY - Greyson Chance Lyrics

Purple skies and violet rainbows
And all the angels passing by
With their words they try to break you
But they can't shake you with all their lies

Another day we will survive
Another day is worth the fight
Today we will rise
We will walk the rainbows and take over the sky
Don't let them change you
'Cause you are beautiful just like the purple sky

Black mirrors with no reflection
Broken hearts and rejection
Record times make the sound that call the angels homeward bound

Another day we will survive
Another day is worth the fight
Today we will rise
We will walk the rainbows and take over the sky
Don't let them change you
'Cause you are beautiful just like the purple sky

These are the words and these are the choices
We are the children, we are the voices
This is the life and these are the questions
This is the time we're being tested

These are the words and these are the choices
We are the children, we are the voices
This is the life and these are the questions
This is the time we're being tested

Don't let them change you
'Cause you are beautiful just like the purple sky
You are beautiful

Tyler and Phoebe
Eric and Billy
We remember
Megan and Raymond
Seth and Justin
We remember
April and Brandon
Matthew and Jared
You're beautiful
Meredith and Jeffery
Zack and Asher

We remember 'cause you're beautiful
Just like the purple sky

SUMMER TRAIN - Greyson Chance Lyrics

Come with me for a little ride, see the shadows passing by
Look at the sun and see the clouds turn to faces in the sky
We’ve been awake all night, shattered dreams all around
Close your sad, sad eyes we will be safe and sound

Come with me for a little ride, see the shadows passing by
Look at the sun and see the clouds turn to faces in the sky
Daydreaming lightly through the rain
All’s forgiven on a summer train

Come with me for a little ride, see the shadows passing by
Seems we are a thousand miles away from last night
As you sigh in my ear, kiss the rain goodbye

Come with me for a little ride, see the shadows passing by
Look at the sun and see the clouds turn to faces in the sky
Daydreaming lightly through the rain
All’s forgiven on a summer train
Come with me for a little ride, see the shadows passing by
Come away with me, it’s gonna be all right just breathe
Come away with me, it’s gonna be all right you’ll see

And the winds are all crying, that this train is flying
us all through the rain, I fear
And the sky is getting brighter with every mile
And it all seems clear

Come with me for a little ride, see the shadows passing by
Look at the sun and see the clouds turn to faces in the sky
Daydreaming lightly through the rain
All’s forgiven on a summer train

Come with me for a little ride, see the shadows passing by
Come away with me, it’s gonna be all right just breathe
Come away with me, it’s gonna be all right you’ll see

Come away with me, it’s gonna be all right just breathe
Come away with me, it’s gonna be all right you’ll see,
you’ll see

STRANDED - Greyson Chance Lyrics

sat there on the dock
with both my feet grazing the water
i could taste the island beaches on my tongue
splashes on the rocks
got me imagining the palm trees
and the shorelines spotted up with coconuts
tidal waves and hurricanes
broken anchors, crashing planes
keep washing me up on your sand
take my hand

i wanna be stranded on this island with you
i wanna be stranded on this island for two
and i hope it's somewhere far
where only we are
stranded on your heart

spend my free time thinking
how your tears aren't made for drinking
but i'm thirsty for what you're keeping inside
losing track of time what seem's like weeks
is only hours
i can't wait until that moment when you're mine
even though we're not the same
different in every way

i can't but smile when you say
take my hand
i wanna be stranded on this island with you
i wanna be stranded on this island for two
and i hope it's somewhere far
where only we are
stranded on your heart
i won't call S.O.S
no message in a bottle
no signaling with smoke
i'm trying to get home
if i can't be with you
i'd rather be alone
i wanna be stranded on this island with you
i wanna be stranded on this island for two
and i hope it's somewhere far
where only we are
stranded on your heart
and i hope it's somewhere far
where only we are
stranded on your heart
and i hope it's somewhere far
where only we are
stranded on your heart

TAKE A LOOK AT ME NOW - Greyson Chance Lyrics

So long to electric fences
Not much left for me to run from now
Guess I'll turn myself around
I'm putting down my defensess
These wings are gonna take me off the ground
It's freedom sweet as sound
And I'll admit that I was wrong
And it is obvious that I'm
Finally taking my fist down

Would you stop and take a look at me now
Could you stop and take a look at me now
When your standing right in front of me
Your looking at the positive that was negative
Would you stop and take a look at me now

Don't know what you get tomorrow
Not sure where I want to go tonight
Isn't that what lifes about
So long for the fear and worry
Lets go and you wont be sorry
I'll be the one that gets you out
Chase the demons out tonight
You can see how fast they run
When you turn the lights will shine

Would you stop and take a look at me now
Could you stop and take a look at me now
When your standing right in front of me
Your looking at the positive that was negative
Would you stop and take a look at me now

And it gets more beautiful it gets more beautiful 
As the sun turns into rain
And the hurt turns into shame
And it gets more wonderfull it gets more wonderfull
Can you get this through your brain
That you can not lose again

Would you stop and take a look at me now
Could you stop and take a look at me now
When your standing right in front of me
Your looking at the positive that was negative
Would you stop and take a look at me now

UNFRIEND YOU - Greyson Chance Lyrics

I really thought you were the one
It was over before it begun
It's so hard for me to walk away
But I know I can't stay

You're beautiful and crazy too
Maybe that's why I fell into you
Even though you would pretend to be
You were never with me

So it's over yeah we're through, so I'm a unfriend you
You're the best liar ever knew, so I'll unfriend you
Cause I should have known, right from the start
I'm deleting you right from my heart
Yeah it's over, my last move is to unfriend you

I thought in time that you could change
And my time and love would heal the pain
And I didn't want this day to come
But now all I feel is numb

So it's over yeah we're through, so I'm a unfriend you
You're the best liar ever knew, so I'm a unfriend you
Cause I should have known, right from the start
I'm deleting you right from my heart
Yeah it's over, my last move is to unfriend you

You come on to everybody
Everybody all the time
You give up to anybody
What I thought was only mine

Oh oh oh
Oh oh oh

So it's over yeah we're through, so I'm a unfriend you
You're the best liar ever knew, so I'm a unfriend you
'Cause I should have known, right from the start
That you didn't have a human heart
Yeah it's over my last move is to unfriend you
Unfriend you

Yeah yeah yeah yeah
Woah ohh
Oh oh oh
Oh oh oh
So I'm a unfriend you
Oh oh oh
Oh oh oh
So I'm a unfriend you